Monday, June 13, 2011

Professional Development

Last week I attended two really good workshops, "Differentiated Instruction with Guided Reading" and "Reader's Workshop: Making it Make Sense." I have been working to improve my small groups and what to do in small groups, so I took away the most helpful information from Differentiated Instruction.

I had SO many misconceptions about Guided Reading! I really didn't even know what it was! I thought it was choral or round-robin reading in a small group. WRONG! It's actually modeling in whole group, then in small group they read by themselves while the teacher walks around and monitors the reading, supporting where needed! So, here are some things I took away from the workshop about Guided Reading:

1. It is NOT choral or round-robin reading.

2. Reading groups are DYNAMIC, which means they change often.

3. A student will read new text EVERY TIME they read(a poem, the rest of an unfinished book, a new reading selection, etc.).

4. Guided Reading is a gradual release type of teaching. It is more STUDENT centered in small groups.

5. Small group time is NOT for phonics activities (whoops, that was a golden nugget to me!)

6. When student is stuck, prompt first, "What do you remember from our lessons that will help you figure this word out?" Then, "What have you already tried?"

7. Figure out reading groups from Reading Records, Word Tests, Letter Identification, Hearing and Recording Sounds. NOT TPRI and STAR tests (whoops again, but hey! I'm learning right?!)

8. Small groups should last no more than 20 minutes.

9. There is a difference between Reading Skills (TEKS/Curriculum) and Reading Strategies (HOW to read).

10. The RAN Chart. I LOVE it! It allows for mistakes and to be able to correct them! WAY better than KWL chart!

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