Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Four Days Left of School!

There are four days left of school and I'm so excited! I can't WAIT to be able to read books, work out whenever I like, take time to PLAN lessons and find materials for them, and travel! I really enjoyed teaching through themes this year, so this summer I plan on making folders that have all the lessons, materials, and pre-made examples in them. LAST summer I had done this for all the novels I had hoped to teach to the Fourth Graders, but that all changed 4 days before school started, right? I suppose if I ever teach Fourth Grade again I can use them!

On another note, I LOVE teaching a small group! During the day I catch myself smiling from ear to ear while observing the students working so quietly, every single student engaged and lost in their work. Just imagine how much more students can learn and reach their potential in classrooms with smaller numbers of students. But, we just continue to get more and more students in the classroom. Oh well! More love to be spread! Have a wonderful day!

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