Monday, February 24, 2014

Careers in Science Project

The goal of this project was to open the kids eyes to all of the fascinating jobs that involve science! Their minds were blown when they learned a chef and park ranger are scientists! I grouped the kids into similar interests of careers. Here are the project requirements:

Project Requirements:
  • Create a list of 5 science careers.

  • Choose a science career you are interested in.
  • Research an important individual that has contributed to the science career you chose.
  • Write a short report that includes the level of education necessary to succeed in the career of your choice,  an important contributing , what s/he did, when it happened, and how s/he did it, make sure to include a bibliography (list of resources)
  • Conduct a science experiment using the Scientific Method in the career field you chose.
  • Provide a Lab Report that includes a Summary of the Experiment, the Question or Problem of the experiment, a hypothesis, a materials/equipment list, a step by step procedure, name the variables, a table AND graph to show observations, and conclusions of direct and indirect evidence.

The kids had a great time because they got to choose what experiment they wanted to do. Since this was the beginning of the year, I did not conduct as many desk crits and I was very disappointed in the final product. Most kids worked very hard on the experiment, however, when it came to typing up the lab report and the career report, the products were not up to par. By conducting more desk crits and checking in with the students about where they stand in their project, I feel that the products could exceed expectations.

If you are interested in the project plan, rubric, etc. just leave me a comment with your email and I will share them with you through Google Docs.

Here are some pictures of the kids learning how to use Science Tools before they start their own experiments.

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